Faculty and Research Lines

Toxicology covers all the aspects related to the investigation into the adverse effects of chemicals and can be considered a basic and applied science. For this reason, the Postgraduate Program in Toxicology includes three major areas: Experimental Toxicology, Clinical Toxicology, and Toxicological Analysis. Research lines in these three major areas allow incorporation of the different specialties that make up the many faces of Toxicology, as well as rising innovations in the area.


Email: alejager@usp.br
1) Assessment of exposure and characterization of the risk associated with the consumption of toxic compounds present in food. Determination of Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Mycotoxins, among others, using liquid chromatography coupled with UV-Visible detectors, fluorescence and mass spectrometer and exposure calculations. 2) Study of the presence of excipients in medicines and cosmetics and assessment of exposure in children and adults. Determination of preservatives, dyes and sweeteners in cosmetics, liquid and/or topical medicines and exposure calculations.
Email: deoliveira@usp.br
Evaluation of the effect of emerging contaminants on CYP450 enzymes: The research line focuses on the development and validation of chromatographic methods to study the in vitro metabolism and inhibition of CYP450 enzymes, with a focus on interactions between emerging contaminants and drugs. Through the use of chromatographic techniques and human liver microsomes, our goal is to identify how these xenobiotics are metabolized and how they interfere with CYP450 activity, which plays a crucial role in the metabolism of several drugs. These interactions can affect the efficacy of drugs or generate toxicity, and it is essential to predict these effects to ensure safety in combined exposures.
Email: acsantos@fcfrp.usp.br
“Neurobiology of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Neurotoxicology” explores the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, as well as investigating the effects of neurotoxic substances on the nervous system. This line of research also focuses on identifying and developing neuroprotective substances, aiming to prevent or reverse neuronal damage caused by these agents and promote brain health.
Email: martinis@usp.br
Development of analytical methods for the investigation of drugs of abuse, medico-legal aspects of alcohol, alternative samples for toxicological investigation, extraction methods, chromatographic analysis and investigation of drugs in post-mortem biological samples.
Email: crtirapelli@usp.br
(I) Ethanol Toxicology: Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is the most widely consumed drug of abuse worldwide. Excessive consumption of ethanol is associated with several health problems. Our research group develops experimental studies that aim to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which ethanol promotes its toxic effects on the cardiovascular system, identifying signaling pathways that mediate the toxicity of this substance. (II) Drug Toxicology: Some classes of drugs (e.g. antineoplastics, antibiotics, antiparasitics and anti-inflammatories) promote toxic effects even when used in therapeutic doses. The objectives of this line of research include: 1. Describe the impact of drug toxicity on the physiology of the cardiorenal system; 2. Identify the molecular bases of drug-induced toxicity; 3. Test combination strategies that minimize the toxic effects promoted by these drugs (e.g. combination with synthetic or natural antioxidants, combination with other drugs).
Email: crisgai@fcfrp.usp.br
Analysis of Drugs, Metabolites and Biomarkers in Biological Matrices. Development and validation of methods for analysis of drugs, metabolites and biomarkers in biological matrices using capillary electrophoresis, high-performance liquid chromatography and LC-MS-MS. Miniaturized extraction techniques such as dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction, solid-phase microextraction and liquid-phase microextraction are used to prepare samples in biological matrices. The methods developed are applied to samples of biological matrices from volunteers and/or patients undergoing treatment for therapeutic monitoring and diagnosis of diseases.
Email: djdorta@ffclrp.usp.br
Toxicology-Biochemistry: Evaluation of mitochondrial and cellular alterations induced by xenobiotics as an aid in the elucidation of the mechanisms of toxic action of these substances. This line of research aims to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which exogenous substances, including medications, natural substances and industrial and environmental pollutants, interfere with mitochondrial metabolism and their possible implications in various pathologies; as well as the use of these alterations as biomarkers of the effect of exposure to toxic substances.
Email: dpalma@usp.br
Evaluation of eco-genotoxic effects of compounds of environmental interest, aiming at the evaluation of both human and environmental health. To this end, we employed multi-biomarker strategies (behavioral, biochemical and molecular) to evaluate neurobehavioral effects, induction of oxidative stress, genotoxicity and impacts on energy balance, using embryo-larval stages of Zebrafish, planarians, Salmonella thyphimurium and human cell culture.
Email: ecabraga@fcfrp.usp.br
Biochemical, Molecular, and Functional Characterization of Animal Toxins. Purification of biologically active compounds from the venoms of scorpions, snakes, ants, and frogs. Biochemical and molecular characterization of isolated toxins using N-terminal sequencing, mass spectrometry, and enzymatic assays (proteases, hyaluronidases, and L-amino acid oxidases). Evaluation of their effects on ion channels, the immune system, inflammatory processes, and other biological systems, aiming to identify compounds that can serve as models for the development of new drugs or as pharmacological tools. Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of animal venoms are also performed. Furthermore, the research aims to produce molecules with the greatest biotechnological potential through heterologous expression.
Email: fbarbosa@fcfrp.usp.br
Metal Toxicology. Exposure to metals and their effects in experimental models. Markers of oxidative stress. Toxicoproteomics and Toxicogenetics – Identification of new candidates for biomarkers of exposure and effect using toxicoproteomics. Metals in Food. Determination of metals in foods consumed in Brazil. Food safety. Chemical speciation of metals and semi-metals in food samples. Study of total diet and estimation of daily intake of essential and toxic elements by the Brazilian population through average food consumption data. Development of Analytical Methods for Determination of Metals and Semi-metals of Toxicological Interest in Biological Fluids. Chemical speciation of metals applied to toxicology – Development of analytical methods for determination of metals and semi-metals of toxicological and nutritional interest using the technique of coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Chemical speciation of metals and semi-metals in samples of clinical interest. Occupational exposure to metals. Environmental and Occupational Toxicology. Biomonitoring – Assessment of Populations Exposed to Metals and their Effects. Assessment of exposure to methylmercury and lead in the Amazon region. Effects on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Use of internal dose biomarkers that do not require invasive collection. Assessment of susceptibility biomarkers. Influence of genetic (genetic polymorphisms) and nutritional factors on the toxicology of some metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, and manganese. Establishment of reference values for toxic metals and essences in the Brazilian population.
Email: hamilton@fcfrp.usp.br
1) Evaluation of the biological and toxicological activity of peptides obtained via enzymatic hydrolysis of milk proteins. 2) Toxicological evaluation of enzymes of microbial and recombinant origin.
Email: joaopaulo.ximenez@usp.br
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenomics: translational PK/PD (Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics) studies for patients with neurocryptococcosis, tuberculosis, HIV and cancer.
Email: paschoal@usp.br
Studies of residues and organic contaminants in food: (i) Development and validation of analytical/bioanalytical methods; (ii) Assessment of exposure to residues of veterinary drugs and pesticides and organic contaminants through food; (iii) Residual depletion studies; estimation of Withdrawal Period; Maximum Residue Limits; (iv) Analytical and metabolism studies involving radiolabeled compounds.
Email: lusania@fcfrp.usp.br
Nutrigenomics and Toxicogenetics: investigation of DNA damage induction and genomic instability in in vitro experimental models, and study of the effects of nutraceuticals and compounds.
Email: mariaeqn@ffclrp.usp.br
(I) Development of new stationary phases such as molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP), restricted access polymers (RAM), immunosorbents and conductors (cyclic voltammetry electropolymerization) for microextraction techniques (SPME, in-tube SPME, MEPS and SBSE). Selective sorbents (stationary phases), such as immunosorbents (antigen-antibody interactions based on molecular recognition), polypyrrole (porous structure with multifunctional properties), restricted access material (biocompatible phase that allows direct injection of the biological fluid into the analytical system, as well as exclusion of macromolecules by chemical diffusion barrier and pre-concentration of drugs, simultaneously) and molecularly imprinted polymers (molecular recognition – template molecule) have been developed for microextraction techniques (SPME, in-tube SPME, MEPS and SBSE) for drug analysis in biological fluids. (II) Hyphenation of microextraction techniques with liquid chromatography (in-tube) SPME/LC-MS/MS. The coupling of solid-phase microextraction in the capillary with high-performance liquid chromatography or liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detector allows the continuous extraction, concentration, desorption and injection of analytes into the chromatographic system using the automatic injector. The main advantages of the in-tube SPME technique are simplicity, speed, elimination of solvent, high analytical sensitivity, small sample volume, low cost and simple automation of chromatographic analyses. (III) Standardization and analytical validation of new chromatographic methods. Standardization and analytical validation of new chromatographic methods (LC-DAD, LC-FLU, LC-MS/MS and GC-MS) for the determination of drugs in biological fluids for therapeutic monitoring and kinetic disposition purposes.
Email: mcosouza@usp.br
Bioavailability and Bioaccessibility of Environmental Pollutants in Food: Levels and Risk Assessment for Human Health. The objectives of this line of research include: (i) Development and validation of analytical methodologies for determining emerging and legacy pollutants in food samples; (ii) In vitro bioaccessibility studies with Caco-2 cells; (iii) In vivo bioavailability studies and assessment of the metabolism of environmental pollutants; (iv) Risk assessment of human exposure to environmental pollutants via the oral route. The activities developed aim to meet Brazil’s need to ensure food security for our population through broad knowledge about food quality regarding the presence of environmental pollutants, as well as to provide subsidies for future public health programs in the toxicological field.
Email: nmoraes@fcfar.unesp.br
Drug Toxicology: kinetic disposition and metabolism of drugs. Recognition of covariates (drug-drug interactions, clinical aspects, pharmacogenetics, exposure to xenobiotics) in the kinetic disposition of drugs in clinical use. Investigation of the role of drug transporters in the kinetic disposition and in the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship.
Email: npelopes@fcfrp.usp.br
Application of Mass Spectrometry in the analysis of Natural Products.
Email: renatagalvao@fcfrp.usp.br
Development of fluorescent carbon dots associated with biomarkers for monitoring environmental contaminants.
Email: suvilela@usp.br
Animal venoms and antivenoms of plant origin: characterization and mechanisms of action. Isolation and biochemical, functional and structural characterization of the main toxic components present in animal venoms. Investigate the biochemical characteristics (molecular weight, amino acid composition, amino-terminal sequencing, isoelectric point, etc.), biological (activities on hemostasis, antitumor, myotoxic, phospholipase, hemorrhagic, edematogenic and L-amino acid oxidase assays, among others) and structural (determination of primary, secondary and tertiary structures) of the components isolated from these venoms. Research antivenoms in medicinal plants and study their mechanism of neutralizing action, aiming, in the long term, to obtain new drugs of plant origin.
Email: lanchote@fcfrp.usp.br
Clinical pharmacokinetics in infectious diseases. Works in the area of Clinical Pharmacology with emphasis on studies of pharmacokinetics, pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics (PK-PD) and pharmacogenetics.

(*) Guest researchers